The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Eiffel Broadcaster Plugin

buildWithEiffel: Build a job with custom Eiffel activity name

Modified copy of Build Step to build a job with a custom Eiffel activity name.

  • job : String
    Name of a downstream job to build. May be another Pipeline job, but more commonly a freestyle or other project. Use a simple name if the job is in the same folder as this upstream Pipeline job; otherwise can use relative paths like ../sister-folder/downstream or absolute paths like /top-level-folder/nested-folder/downstream.
  • activityName : String (optional)
    The name of the Eiffel activity of the started build, expressed in the field of the EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent that's sent when the build is queued.
  • parameters (optional)
    A list of parameters to pass to the downstream job. When passing secrets to downstream jobs, prefer credentials parameters over password parameters. See the documentation for details.
      Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
    • agentParameter
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • base64File
      • name : String
      • base64 : String (optional)
      • file (optional)
          Nested Choice of Objects
    • booleanParam
      • name : String
      • value : boolean
    • buildMasterRelease
      • name : String
      • applicationId : String
      • releaseNumber : String
      • showApplicationId : boolean
      • description : String
    • checkboxParameter
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • $class: 'ClearCaseUcmBaselineParameterValue'
      • name : String
      • baseline : String
      • forceRmview : boolean
    • credentials
      • name : String
      • value : String
      • description : String
    • $class: 'CvsTagsParamValue'
      • name : String
      • tagName : String
    • $class: 'DateParameterValue'
      • name : String
      • value : String
      • description : String
    • $class: 'DeployMetaDataParameterValue'
      • name : String
      • environmentKey : String
      • buildVersion : String
      • applicationName : String
    • file
      • name : String
      • file
          Nested Choice of Objects
    • fileSystemList
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • $class: 'GeneratorKeyValueParameterValue'
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • gitParameter
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • imageTag
      • name : String
      • imageName : String
      • imageTag : String
    • $class: 'InheritableStringParameterValue'
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • $class: 'JavaParameterValue'
      • name : String
      • description : String
      • selectedJDK : String
    • $class: 'JiraIssueParameterValue'
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • $class: 'JiraVersionParameterValue'
      • name : String
      • version : String
    • jsonEditor
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • $class: 'LabelParameterValue'
      • name : String
      • label : String
      • allNodesMatchingLabel : boolean
      • nodeEligibility
          Nested Choice of Objects
        • $class: 'AllNodeEligibility'
          • $class: 'IgnoreOfflineNodeEligibility'
            • $class: 'IgnoreTempOfflineNodeEligibility'
          • listGitBranches
            • name : String
            • value : String
          • $class: 'ListSubversionTagsParameterValue'
            • name : String
            • tagsDir : String
            • tag : String
          • $class: 'MatrixCombinationsParameterValue'
            • name : String
            • description : String
            • combinations : Array / List of String
            • mavenMetadataVersions
              • name : String
              • description : String
              • groupId : String
              • artifactId : String
              • version : String
              • packaging : String
              • classifier : String
              • artifactUrl : String
            • multiselect
              • name : String
              • selectedValues (optional)
                • Type: java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
            • $class: 'NodeParameterValue'
              • name : String
              • labels : Array / List of String
                • nodeEligibility
                    Nested Choice of Objects
                  • $class: 'AllNodeEligibility'
                    • $class: 'IgnoreOfflineNodeEligibility'
                      • $class: 'IgnoreTempOfflineNodeEligibility'
                    • $class: 'PackageChoiceParameterValue'
                      • name : String
                      • value : String
                    • separator
                      • name : String
                      • separatorStyle : String
                      • sectionHeader : String
                      • sectionHeaderStyle : String
                    • $class: 'PatchParameterValue'
                      • name : String
                      • file
                          Nested Choice of Objects
                    • $class: 'PromotedBuildParameterValue'
                      • name : String
                      • runId : String
                      • description : String
                    • $class: 'RandomStringParameterValue'
                      • name : String
                      • value : String
                    • RESTList
                      • name : String
                      • value : String
                    • $class: 'ReviewboardParameterValue'
                      • name : String
                      • value : String
                    • run
                      • name : String
                      • runId : String
                      • description : String
                    • $class: 'SauceParameterValue'
                      • name : String
                      • selectedBrowsers : String
                    • stashedFile
                      • name : String
                      • file
                          Nested Choice of Objects
                    • string
                      • name : String
                      • value : String
                    • text
                      • name : String
                      • value : String
                    • $class: 'VBoxParameterValue'
                      • name : String
                      • nodes : Array / List of String
                        • nodeDelimiter : String
                      • email
                        • name : String
                        • value : String
                      • validatingString
                        • name : String
                        • value : String
                      • validatingYamlParameter
                        • name : String
                        • value : String
                        • failedValidationMessage : String (optional)
                      • hidden
                        • name : String
                        • value : String
                      • $class: 'WReadonlyStringParameterValue'
                        • name : String
                        • value : String
                      • $class: 'WReadonlyTextParameterValue'
                        • name : String
                        • value : String
                      • extendedChoice
                        • name : String
                        • value : String
                      • $class: 'com.michelin.cio.hudson.plugins.passwordparam.PasswordParameterValue'
                        • name : String
                        • value : String
                        • description : String
                      • $class: 'com.moded.extendedchoiceparameter.ExtendedChoiceParameterValue'
                        • name : String
                        • value : String
                      • password
                        • name : String
                        • value
                          • Type: class hudson.util.Secret
                        • description : String
                    • propagate : boolean (optional)

                      If enabled (default state), then the result of this step is that of the downstream build (e.g., success, unstable, failure, not built, or aborted). If disabled, then this step succeeds even if the downstream build is unstable, failed, etc.; use the result property of the return value as needed.

                    • quietPeriod : int (optional)
                      Optional alternate quiet period (in seconds) before building. If unset, defaults to the quiet period defined by the downstream project (or finally to the system-wide default quiet period).
                    • wait : boolean (optional)
                      If true, the pipeline will wait for the result of the build step before jumping to the next step. Defaults to true.
                    • waitForStart : boolean (optional)
                      If true, the pipeline will wait for the downstream build to start before jumping to the next step. Defaults to false. Overrides the value of wait.

                    createPackageURL: Construct a package URL and return it as a string

                    Create a well-formed Package URL (purl) based on a set of discrete input strings and return the result as a string. Package URLs are for example used in the data.identity member of EiffelArtifactCreatedEvent .
                    • name : String (optional)
                      The name of the package. Required. See the full Package URL specification for all details and examples.
                    • namespace : String (optional)
                      A name prefix such as a Maven groupid, a Docker image owner, a GitHub user or organization. Optional and type-specific. See the full Package URL specification for all details and examples.
                    • qualifiers (optional)
                      • Type: java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
                    • subpath : String (optional)
                      Extra subpath within a package, relative to the package root. Optional. See the full Package URL specification for all details and examples.
                    • type : String (optional)
                      The package "type" or package "protocol" such as maven, npm, nuget, gem, pypi, etc. Required. See the full Package URL specification for all details and examples.
                    • version : String (optional)
                      The version of the package. Optional. See the full Package URL specification for all details and examples.

                    publishEiffelArtifacts: Publishes previously announced Eiffel artifacts

                    Sends an EiffelArtifactPublishedEvent for each EiffelArtifactCreatedEvent that has been recorded in the build using a sendEiffelEvent step with the publishArtifact argument enabled. Optionally also EiffelArtifactCreatedEvent events recorded in a file in the workspace.

                    This requires that each EiffelArtifactPublishedEvent has at least one file defined in its data.fileInformation array and that each relative file path in matches a Jenkins artifact in the build. Because of the latter requirement it's normally used after an archiveArtifacts step.

                    The EiffelArtifactPublishedEvent will have two links; one ARTIFACT link to the EiffelArtifactCreatedEvent and one CONTEXT link to the parent build's EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent.

                    sendEiffelEvent: Send an Eiffel event

                    Sends an Eiffel event expressed as a Groovy map. This map is passed in the event argument.

                    By default the event passed by the user will be decorated with a CONTEXT link to the current build's EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent . Optionally a CAUSE link can be created instead or the link can be omitted entirely.

                    This step returns immediately as soon as the event has been validated and put on the internal outbound queue. The actual delivery of the event to the broker might not have happened at the time of the return.

                    • event
                        Nested Choice of Objects
                    • activityLinkType (optional)
                    • linkToActivity : boolean (optional)
                    • publishArtifact : boolean (optional)
                    • signatureCredentialsId : String (optional)
                    • signatureHashAlgorithm : String (optional)

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